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Компания Экостатус и ее руководитель Виноградский Юрий обсуждают проблемы.
hello my name is marcia, i live in california. i dont know how to begin, or how to say other than this is my deperate cry for help. ive never done this . this is my 1st time doing this but i really need help. ive worked most of my life and became disabled in late 2009. i became disabled and struck with a mental disability which parlyzes mentally from holding and keeping a stable job. i had a severe nervous breakdown which costed me everything i worked hard for, which landed me in the streets of skid row in down town los angeles holding a homeless sign. i never thought for once in my life that i be in this situation. i learned alot being in this situation, i also learned this could happen to anybody any age, race, background, its across the nation in many diffrnent ways from earthquakes to tsunamis to physical to mental illnesses. i survive with only a fraction of my disabilities checks because i get garnished for child support, and when that runs out, i have to hold a sign off the free ... Read more »
Views: 2163 | Added by: coco | Date: 13.04.2011

The story is a professional photographer, I shoot weddings, various celebrations.
On one of trips to the wedding poto pulled out of the car thieves equipped
and yaostalsya unemployed photographer. uUmenya wife uchitl and RON is learning
at the institute. Institute for a price. If anybody can help raise money
on equipped. My Account


Everyone who responds very much.

Views: 1951 | Added by: olegpo | Date: 27.03.2011

ПОМОГИТЕ!!!..Я с Украины...Жить тяжело!..богатые богатеют.а средний класс постепенно нищает...Зарплата-248долларов в месяц.минус продукты.проезд на работу..какая-то одежда..предметы гигиены и т.д.За квартиру платить нечем...Опять долги...ПОМОГИТЕ!!! Хочу отдать долги...хочу за последние 13лет и 5.4мес.-в отпуск...Мечтаю попутешествовать ..Хоть куда-нибудь..что-нибудь...ПОМОГИТЕ! Долгов много.квартира заложена...Помогите собрать 5тыс.долларов..Выкуплю квартиру...20 лет -фельдшером.помогала страждущим.теперь прошу-ПОМОГИТЕ...
Views: 2088 | Added by: KOSim31 | Date: 26.01.2011

This is probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do but my circumstances dictate that I must do something. I find myself in a horrible bind and short of panhandling on the street I thought I’d give this a try.

So here is my story, on February 16, 2010 I suffered a heart attack while shoveling snow in my driveway. This was truly a traumatic experience because my son and daughter were with me when this happened. As a result of the heart attack I was forced to take a leave of absence from my job. I thought I would be off for a short time but that is not what happened.

I had the angioplasty procedure and then developed an infection at the site of the procedure which required some additional surgery to drain the infected area. This required another stay in the hospital for three days in May, Which in turn required more time off from work. Then, In June i developed a problem with my blood pressure which required another stay in the hospital.

After that stay my company fired ... Read more »

Views: 2096 | Added by: wds0526 | Date: 24.12.2010

The last hope.
Nearly broke. Dispair and dire ahead. Please donate as much as you can. Z802865684475
Views: 2105 | Added by: Dyuma | Date: 14.09.2010

Hello Please help me, i need educational assistance.

I write to ask for your help to me. I am having some hardships in my life, things are a bit tough on me and need your help to get out of it. i need $1,500 to get my education going,please help.

I am finding it very hard to get people turn to my call for assistance because i mentioned Africa. It is my prayer that My Lord Jesus Christ Will bless someone to help me through.

Any Help?

My PayPal:

May God be with you.

Yours In Christ

Sam Smith


Views: 2079 | Added by: mondesco | Date: 04.09.2010

Hello, kind people! My name is Irina. I know, miracles happen! The belief in a miracle lives in each of us. I have a dream – to have the habitation and I believe that my dream is materialized!!! Kind people who want to help another and can make people happy on the Earth much - help me to carry out my dream: send a few money! Thankful in advance to all!!!
Views: 2284 | Added by: Iren66 | Date: 23.08.2010

At us a large family. Last childbirth passed very difficultly. The wife and the child were in resuscitation 1,5 months. Public utilities have assigned to us the penalty at a rate of 1000$. The big request to help Z522802970063 R304020556386 E777271557449.
Thanks all.
Views: 2076 | Added by: sanchelo82 | Date: 14.07.2010

Please, help me to create my new life with my small dauther! Please!
Views: 2003 | Added by: samwit | Date: 15.06.2010


Any body in this world to help me out please help me i am in big time problem .i do not know whether u will trust it or not but it is true i am really suffering in problem.

Finance is really eating me. please help me out i stay in bangalore i am the only one person earning in my family now i have a kid of 2 months where i cannot go for work my self i am starving half food .i have to look after 6 members in my family mother heart paitent,brother mentally retired 3 ,my sister studying 10th ,grand mam.

so please somebody help me in giving some amount for atleast 1month expenses i will start working from my 4th month i am searching job.

it is begging ...............................

Views: 1774 | Added by: preethi | Date: 10.06.2010

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