Sunday, 02.02.2025, 04:36
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«  May 2009  »
Main » 2009 » May » 30 » I need Help and will pay it forward!
I need Help and will pay it forward!
I am a very hard working single 32 year old. For as long as I can remember I have worked and paid my own bills. I had never been late to pay my debts and most of the time over paid. I know that my story is not unique. Everyone is struggling now. And like all others, I lost my job a few years ago. It took almost 8 months to find a job again (paying less than half of my old salary), and in that time I spent my savings just paying my monthly bills. And while I was looking for work, I didn't have health insurance, because I couldn't afford it. Last June I wound up in the Hospital with an existing heart condition, and I had no insurance. Now I am looking at over $2,500 in over due hospital bills on top of the other credit card and creditors that I now have calling me, for I have not been able to afford to pay them. I have a job now that pays my Health Insurance, but that is the ONLY reason I'm keeping it for it is a commission only job, and I am lucky if I earn $900 gross a month. I also picked up a part time job, but I am only given 15 hours a week at $8 and hour. This combined pays only my rent, utilities, car payment and car insurance. I have to scrape funds up for food and gas. Credit Card and Hospital Debts have to go on hold. Without having a husband or other support to help keep me a float, I am suffering for the first time ever in my life. I have applied for food stamps, but still awaiting an interview. And I can not sell my car for my job is in outside sales. If I can not start to climb out of this hole, I may never get out. I am a very giving person, who when I was making good money I helped others generously. I even started a non-profit to help survivors of Hurricane Katrina. And now I am in need. Please Please Help. I only need to raise about $3000 to get me a float. You can count on me to Pay It Forward! Thank you!
Views: 1296 | Added by: libertatis | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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