We were professionals who volunteered in our community in many ways. My wife got really sick 10 years ago with Chronic Lyme Disease but was not diagnosed for 8 years. She tried to work but really couldn't and finally went on disability in 2007. I was later diagnosed with Lyme Disease, too. I was working until May, 2009 when my job was eliminated.
We now have to discontinue many of our medications - some of which have kept my wife alive because of the loss of health insurance. We have to stop paying our mortgage to be able to put food on the table. We never lived extravagantly but the loss of her income, the huge medical bills for Lyme Disease for both of us and now the loss of my job has put us in a place that we could (seriously) become homeless.
In our wildest imagination, we could not have imagined ever being in this position. Please help in whatever amount you can. We hope that karma is real as we have always tried to help others. Now we are the ones in need of help. If you can't provide any monetary help, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.