The .CM registry has previously only allowed registrations under .CO.CM, .COM.CM and .NET.CM, meaning this is your chance to register a second level .CM domain name. Although best known for being just one letter and keystroke away from a few of the most highly recognizable domains, .CM provides many potential benefits.
How do you make money from it, you ask.
Become Typosquatters and buying domains.
How and where do I find good domains to buy?
Alexa updates their Top 1,000,000 domain daily at
How do I really make money from it?
By parking your domain using GoDaddy Parked Domains or something similar. Find a program that pays you every time someone clicks on your link. Most of them out there can pay you up to $30 per click.
How much is .cm?
It is quite expensive but the potential is very high. Each domain cost up to $100. You can register .cm from
There you have it, go out there and become the next typosquatter!!