Can you help us please???? Hi I'm a thrity six year old mum, Who was kicked out by her ex-partner of 4 years six months ago. I had a sucessful job my daughter was well settled in school anyway we had to leave and ended up in Wales,Uk...I have managed to get us a home... But we need other things ... I have debtors from my old address chasing me and really need to pay them off I realise that by asking for £4000 I was being very greedy so I have done some maths and asked around for help and re-calculated the ammunt I need. I want to borrow £350.00 I WILL PAY IT BACK as soon as I have another job and a regular decent income.
I tried online lenders before and was scammed out of £150 pounds which has put me off. Banks and other lenders have turned me down because I am NOT working. Please email me for further information....I WILL PAY THE MONIES BACK TO WHOEVER DONATES IT!!!!!