Hello...first off I'd like to thank you so much for viewing this. This is really hard for me but I figure it's better than never trying. After spending 4 years in an abusive relationship always telling myself it would get better i finally wised up and left on my own. When I was 19 i met a guy and it was like a fairytale until i learned the darker side of what my prince was capable of.I fell in love being naive and thinking he was "the One" 3 months later i got pregnant. my parents being unsupportive kicked me out of the house and i was forced to move in with him. He was sweet on the outside but on the inside a liar and a cheat and an awful human. One night during a fight not long after i moved in he pushed me into a wall and i realized what kind of person he was. Whenever he got in a mood he did the same thing i guess from the stress and everything going on a had a miscarriage at 12 weeks. He blamed me and it was then that i lost my sense of self and realized maybe i deserved it maybe i deserved all of this that happened to me. 4 years i dealt with it and then a month ago i finally left him, I had nowhere to go and havent spoken to my family in years. I am living in a town about an hour from him and as far as i know he doesnt know where i am. I got a job as a retail store clerk and have been working there ever since. it's very hard and I guess thats why Im doing this. I only make 1100 a month and i'm just getting by with bills. I owe about $600 to a friend who gave me rent money for the first month and I have a 220 a month car insurance ..like I said I am barely getting by but could really use extra help for groceries and to pay back my friend. any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you so much.